How beautiful, celebrations of the birth of the Divine Child,
Opening our hearts to tenderness and care.
How beautiful it would be if we could see it in our hearts
To awaken this tenderness to all people’s child:
To protect every one from abuse, fear and bombs.
They come from the Divine, that magic unknown land,
With gifts to be known under the warmth of love’s care.
Which one, I wonder, might be the next One.
How beautiful it would be if we could see it in our hearts
To awaken compassion for all caring for their babes,
For their love is not different from mine.
Perhaps this the sad emptiness we sometimes feel
In these times of bright celebration and song:
Withheld blessings leave emptiness inside.
How beautiful it would be if blessings were not just this
But all children were treasured at all times, at all times.
Perhaps we can do more than just sing and pray.
How beautiful, these celebrations of the birth of the Child,
Opening our hearts to tenderness and care.
Beautiful, Karl.